January 2, 2020Syllabus Scavenger Hunt (Quiz) Find the syllabus and answer questions on this quiz. This quiz is worth 17 points – one for each question you get right. Name First Last In order to give you proper credit, I need to know who you are.Q1. Where did you find the link to the syllabus?* About Page Home Page Lesson 1 Q2. On what syllabus page is the class blog referenced?* Page 1 Page 2 Page 5 Q3. What icons are seen on the cell phone?* Facebook, Instagram, Mail, Twitter YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Music Twitter, YouTube, Music Pinterest Q4. What page is the honesty policy on?* Page 7 Page 9 Page 8 Q5. How many outside class hours are expected for term 5 & 6 classes?* 90 hours 60 hours 100 hours 70 hours 50 hours Q6. What is the first word in the second sentence in the course description?* JavaScript Logic Platt HTML Q7. What is the image at the bottom of Page 2?* USB Cell Phone Laptop Q8. What page(s) is the Daily Schedule on?* 2 & 3 3 4 3 & 4 Q9. What percentage of your grade is related to quizzes and surveys?* 20% 14% 30% 15% Q10. On what page do the Platt College School policies begin?* Page 4 Page 5 Page 7 Page 6 Q11. What is the first word in the second paragraph under late work/make up policy?* There Deadline Excused Q12. What is the measurement of time listed for attendance?* Days Hours Minutes Q13. What is the JavaScript Library mentioned in the student learning outcomes* Node React Angular jQuery Q14. What version of JavaScript will we be focusing on in this class according to the syllabus?* ES 5 ES 3.1 ES 2019 ES 5 & 6 Q15. What topic do we intend to cover on Day 9?* Background and Sprite Animation Arrow Functions Dates & Math Logic, Loops and Flow Q16. Why may an intended day for a specific topic listed not be covered on the day specified in the class schedule in the syllabus?* because the teacher changed her mind the needs of the students, which may include the pace at which the class progresses, or the addition of material based on student interest. Q16. Why may an intended day for a specific topic listed not be covered on the day specified in the class schedule in the syllabus?* because the teacher changed her mind the needs of the students, which may include the pace at which the class progresses, or the addition of material based on student interest. Q17. What does the syllabus say is the most up to date document with regards to the class schedule?* the syllabus the class calendar