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A flowchart that shows the flow and conditions of your game. See the following example of a game ( Endless Dungeon ) and its corresponding flowchart next to this text. The game was programmed in actionscript for one of my classes at AI, but the principle is still the same. Having this flowchart helped me organize and write the code in one weekend.
Here is another (more simple) example flowchart from our book, Javascript & jQuery by Jon Duckett. This might be more relatable.
Your flowchart should be a good blueprint for how to code your game and remind you of the steps you need to take in order to code it. If you are still unsure, check Day/Night 2’s slides for information and/or see me.
Here is an example for Stalking Dead Game
Please submit it via this page: submissions You can submit a document or a link for me to go see it online.